While I enjoyed the last outing with Adol in Lacrimosa of Dana, this one hooked me right from the start. There’s a lot to be said about the flow and progression of Monstrum Nox that feels solid. Though there are throwbacks too, you don’t really need to play any of the other games in the series to enjoy this one.
While trying to escape from the prison of Balduq, Adol ends up being turned into a Monstrum. Which quickly becomes apparent that they are a rag tag group of characters, set to fight back against the monsters of the Grimwald Nox. Which is an alternate world that it seems only you can your Monstrum friends can see. Which basically means you’re a bunch of goths hanging out in the streets fighting imaginary monsters.
Your Monstrum friends are seen as vigilantes by the towns guard. So most of the time, townsfolk react to your appearance in fright. But that doesn’t really have any baring on gameplay. More so those moments are just when you’re using various traversal powers to zip around town. There’s lots to discover as Balduq opens up. You’ll also gain new powers as you can allies. You’ll start by being able to zip line to various rooftop spots. To running up walls and gliding over the city.
The dungeons are surprisingly well done. While I enjoyed the last game in the series, these dungeons feel a bit more robust. The boss battles are fun, and the action combat makes it enjoyable. I’m usually a fan of turn based but Monstrum Nox fits well with being able to dodge your foes and slow down time if you get the timing right.
There’s lots to do around town too. From little story beats to discover, to various mini quests, the game keeps you busy. Exploring the town is a nice change from the last title as well. You just wander around, hit various spots on the map, and have mini combats to level up. Or just delve back into the dungeons. There are pads around town too that refill your health. So it always feels like you’re making progress when you’re just derping around town.
There are even big tower defence battles that you join into on ground level. Eventually you’ll dip into the Grimwald Nox to fight wave after wave to seal up bigger gates to keep the town safe.
It’s hard to get into too much without spoiling anything. If you like the idea of a gothic setting where you’re often trying to delve back into the prison, this is a fun adventure. There’s a lot of story here, but it never feels bogged down. If anything, the side quests can even feel a bit more refreshing because they’re exploring more of the life of the town.
Balduq isn’t just some backdrop either. There’s quite a bit to see as the game expands more and more. Think of it more like a D&D campaign town where things are planned out. On top of that you have all your typical RPG trappings. Leveling up, getting new gear, various skills, all that good stuff. You can even swap out to play as your teammates as well.
With lots to see and do, diving into Monstrum Nox is a worthwhile trip. Even if it’s your first YS game. Overall I really didn’t have any negative experiences besides enemies falling to the water. Unfortunately there they’re just stuck, so I had to run off and return to reset the battle. Though that can be managed by trying to avoid edges in town. Considering that’s about the only bad thing I have to say about the game, it really speaks volumes of the fun I’ve had!