With a mind blowing opening cinematic Larian Studios couldn’t have hyped Baldur’s Gate 3 any stronger. Following it up with amazing gameplay footage that had Dungeons and Dragons gamers eager to dive in themselves. Now, the time is finally here for you to be able to take your own adventure. Available now for PC and Mac on Steam and GOG.com, as well as on Google Stadia. It’s still in early access, but the game boasts around 25 hours worth of content and 600 NPCs! Let alone all the choices available, there’s lots to dive into.
We never thought we’d see this day, but not only has the time come, it couldn’t be better. With improved 5th edition rules, Baldur’s Gate 3 brings the tabletop enjoyment of D&D to a video game system. From what we’ve seen, this looks the most like the core system itself to date.
There are a ton of classes and races to choose from as well. 16 races and subraces make up your selections, and there are six different classes currently. I’m eager to dive in as a Tiefling warlock for a vibe like the Brimstone Angels novels. This is going to be awesome!