Super Mario Maker was a hit for the Nintendo Wii U. While the system itself didn’t sell like gangbusters, Super Mario Maker sure did. It’s for this reason that it seemed a little odd that Nintendo had yet to port it to its smash Switch system.
Well there’s good reason for that. Nintendo announced today during their Nintendo Direct presentation that we’re getting Super Mario Maker 2. Not only that but we’re getting it this year. And we’re getting it in just a few short months.
In Super Mario Maker 2 players can create the Super Mario courses of their dreams, with access to even more tools, items and features.
While the trailer was brief and there weren’t any details fleshed out, we can see a few notable things in the trailer. First we’re getting the cat power ups from Super Mario 3D World as well as the music and some of the level design elements from the game itself. The Koopa kids are also shown in the game and in the promotional artwork for the game there’s a Koopa driving a car?
It makes you wonder if there are any plans to actually port Super Mario 3D World to the Switch. It was definitely a solid title. Could there also be a possibility that the game might support creating some levels in the style of 3D World? Perhaps as DLC?
With the setback of the Metroid Prime 4 delay this year some were wondering what Nintendo had lined up as a system seller for the Nintendo Switch. While a port of Super Mario Maker might not have done the trick, a jam-packed sequel like we’re seeing here might just do the trick. I’m sold.
Super Mario Maker 2 hits the Nintendo Switch in June 2019.