Flounder Goals are here.
While these goals are available, you’ll be able to fish for dab at Saltwater Shores. You’ll be able to fish dab using the sea throw net, the med. throw net, and the lg. throw net. Note, the fish you are guaranteed to catch with lg. throw net will include at least one dab.
Fish for the seasonal dab and the olive flounder at Saltwater Shores to complete event goals and earn items like Leaf Tickets and Fortune Cookies.
The Flounder Goals event runs from February 15th, 2019 at 1:00 am thru February 19th, 2019 at 12:59 a.m.
Only dab and olive flounder that are caught by players or with sea throw net, med. throw net, and lg. throw net will count towards Flounder Goals. The dab and olive flounder fish obtained from Market Boxes and olive flounder obtained from balloons do not count toward Flounder Goals.
Appearance rates for the fish listed above will be increased and net contents and catch rates will be adjusted at Saltwater Shores for the duration of the Flounder Goals. The dab fish will only appear while Flounder Goals are available. After the event ends, your remaining dab fish will stay in your inventory, and will be able to be sold through your Market Box or used to fulfill animals’ requests. Fish that appear in this event may become available again in the future.