Fire Emblem Heroes has been updated to Version 3.0.0 and with it comes a bunch of changes and updates. Check out what’s in store for the latest update, which went live yesterday.
1. Book III of the Story Has Begun
After returning from their fight with Muspell, the order of Heroes is beset by a new enemy from Hel, the realm of the dead. Get 5-star Mythic Hero “Eir: Merciful Death” by clearing Chapter 1: Part 5 of Book III. Those who have not yet completed Book I or Book II can still access Book III. You won’t want to miss the opening movie in Chapter 1: Part 1!
2. Hero Fest
To celebrate the release of Book III, a Hero Fest including Eir: Merciful Death will start 12/10/18 at 11:00 p.m. to 12/17/18 at 10:59 p.m.
During the active period, the initial appearance rate for the 5-star focus Heroes will be set to 5%! What’s more, you can get up to 7 First Summon Tickets as a Hero Fest Log-In Bonus. Please see Fire Emblem Heroes Updates for more details.
3. Mythic Heroes and Mythic Effects Have Been Added
Mythic Heroes, beginning with Eir: Merciful Death, and Mythic Effects have been added. Only godlike characters from the Fire Emblem series can become Mythic Heroes. Mythic Heroes have special powers that manifest in Aether Raids. For more information, see the Mythic Heroes Are Here! notice.
4. First Summon Tickets Have Been Added
A First Summon Ticket is a special item that replaces the 5 Orbs you spend during the first round of summoning. We will gift players with First Summon Tickets for use in the Hero Fest that starts on 12/10/18 at 11:00 p.m. Please see Fire Emblem Heroes Updates for more details.
5. Aether Raids
A new structure, Escape Ladder (O), can be built in Aether Raids. If you build an Escape Ladder (O) and are defeated or surrender in battle, the battle’s Aether cost will be refunded. Escape Ladder (O) can be used up to three times per season.
More information can be found on the Fire Emblem Heroes website. With a Log-In Bonus to celebrate the release of Ver. 3.0.0, you can receive Orbs up to 10 times between 12/10/18 at 11:00 p.m. and 12/31/18 at 10:59 p.m.