With Mewtwo migrating form EX Raids to normal raids today, it’s time to prepare for a new challenge from a powerful Mythical Pokémon originally discovered in the Hoenn region. The DNA Pokémon, Deoxys, will arrive for EX Raid Battles. This Psychic-type Mythical Pokémon will be available to challenge in its Normal Forme beginning with the next cycle of EX Raid invitations.
Are you new to EX Raids? I am.
You can become eligible to receive an EX Raid Pass when you win a Raid Battle at a qualifying Gym. And from now on, you’ll be able to see which Gyms can host an EX Raid through a handy tag when you look at the Gym details. You’ll find an EX Raid banner on the top right of your screen when you select a gym. Also some of the previous EX Raid gyms have changed, so check out the gyms around you and see if your local gym is eligible.
EX Raid Passes will give you the date and time when you’ll be able to challenge Deoxys.