The last round of Professor Willow’s Global Challenge is happening on September 1st and 2nd during the Safari Zone event in Yokosuka, Japan.
If certain areas of the world can meet the challenge requirements, they’ll unlock bonus Stardust for catching Pokémon and hatching Eggs—including a guaranteed 3,000 Stardust for every raid—starting September 3rd at 4:00pm ET. Also, until September 10th at 4:00pm ET, Trainers can unlock a bonus to earn Star Pieces that will last for one hour.
If the challenge is completed, Trainers worldwide will receive up to five free Raid Passes for Moltres Day, which features the Legendary Pokémon Moltres.
Moltres Day will take place on September 8th.
Moltres will be available in Raid Battles around the world for a three-hour period and will know the Flying-type move Sky Attack.