Nintendo revealed Fire Emblem: Three Houses, the new Fire Emblem game for Switch at E3. The brand-new Fire Emblem game features a grand new story and characters and coming to Nintendo Switch in Spring 2019.
The game takes place on Fódlan, where the Church of Seiros exercises great power over the land and its people. This turn-based tactical RPG will put new strategic twists on battling, with formations of troops supporting individual units on the battlefield. Do you have what it takes to survive and conquer in this brand-new Fire Emblem game?
- A traditional turnbased tactical RPG that puts new twists on strategic battling. Now when the player maneuvers a unit, formations of troops move with them and support them in battle.
- In some parts, the player can move the main character freely, and interact with other characters and gather information.
- The game is set in a new world – Fodlan, where the Church of Seiros exercises great power over the land and people.
- Your protagonist meets three main charactes – Edelgard, Dimitri, and Claude – who play important roles in the story.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses will be released Spring 2019.