It’s been difficult trying to figure out what just to say about Destiny 2. I’ve ridden the highs and lows of first dropping down in the EDZ and loving the various new areas, to realizing there really isn’t much to do with the game now. One of the biggest issues I have is loot. The first Destiny was taxing, but even Activision caught on that it was because we were with friends. However there is another side to that three of coins and that is you need to be rewarded for your gameplay as well. Even if it is just some random gear like the suits we got back in Moment of Triumph achievements near the end of Destiny 1. There needs to be more and I think that is the biggest issue since it isn’t that difficult.
Sure, gear needs to be balanced and Destiny 2 is an online game. But it’s collecting things that has me playing games with my friends. Overwatch rewards me. Some other games don’t and I drop them. Destiny 2 is that fine line down the middle where you grinded away with friends to get that fun loot and currently it’s just not there. I exclusively play as a Warlock. That means in total I have about four or so end game armor sets that are legendary. It’s disappointing to see another duplicate drop.
Another issue was something like SRL (Sparrow League Racing) missing from the latest winter event. It had become a staple of the holidays for Destiny 1. Unfortunately now, it’s just gone. At least for the moment. The biggest problem I had with this was another Activision title, Skylanders, had just ported races from the last game. I don’t know if Destiny 2 has much difference in the way of infrastructure but it’s a shame that didn’t happen even with the old SRL tracks this year. Why do I bring this up? SRL also contained armor sets. Another down side is that the holiday event doesn’t happen in Destiny 1 anymore. So besides private matches, SRL doesn’t exist at all.
Getting a new look for your character was something that made Destiny fun. Pictured above is the Trials of Osiris gear from the first game. I’m pretty sure this content isn’t in the game anymore. Yet we have an expansion pack that literally focuses on the character the contest was named after. Why isn’t that gear available in an easier fashion now? Having Destiny 1 trials gear as a drop in Destiny 2 would have been a way to keep people playing. Either to get it again, or for the first time because they just couldn’t get it from trails itself. Honestly, I’d play to get that gear.
Yes, there are a lot of changes in Destiny 2 that irked a lot of players. However, if adding gear isn’t that difficult it’s a hot fix to keep players around. After all, what happened to all the loot in the wild? It’s not like because the Red Legion attacked that the engrams on Destiny 1 planets just ceased to exist.
Destiny 2 is fun and brings some great new concepts like adding the Infinite Forest to Mercury. Then it locks them behind having to replay old missions instead of just using that area in free roam. On top of that it’s a decent grind to the gear you can earn from that. There is so much in Destiny 2 that could be so much fun. Bungie just needs to look back at what made Destiny 1 so enjoyable and try to incorporate that content.
Yes, it’s difficult, but Destiny 2 will get there. Till then just give me some goodies to get my friends back into the game.