The mysterious scientist has revealed herself! Dr. Coyle is now playable as part of the free 5.0 update
As head of ARMS Lab, the good doctor runs the Party Crash program, created Hedlock and Helix, and even experimented on herself! Talk about dedication to her craft.
Dr. Coyle’s special abilities include a spurt of invisibility after guarding, an extra ARM attack that appears after charging, and the ability to punch, dash, and block while levitating in the air.
Also included in this update is her stage called [NAME REDACTED]* and three new ARMS named Lokjaw, Parabola, and Brrchuk.
You can play as Dr. Coyle by updating your ARMS™ game to version 5.0. If you would like to update the game manually, please highlight the game icon from the Home Menu, press the + Button, and select Software Update (internet connection required).