The list of Pokémon able to mega evolve with mega stones is growing. The Pokémon Company has just released a password that can be entered into the game to get four more mega stone.
When you enter the following password in your game, you’ll receive Pidgeotite, Steelixite, Heracronite, and Houndoominite Mega Stones, the items needed for Pidgeot, Steelix, Heracross, and Houndoom to Mega Evolve during battle.
These Pokémon aren’t available in the wild in Pokémon Sun or Pokémon Moon, but you can bring them into Pokémon Bank via Poké Transporter from earlier games. The Pokémon you transfer will lose their items in the process, however, so this distribution is currently the only way to get these Mega Stones in Pokémon Sun or Pokémon Moon.
Mega Stones password: AZUL
This also joins the code released last month. That password “Intimidate” gives you Mega Stones compatible with Beedrill, Audino, Mawile and Medicham.
If you’re not sure what to do to enter the password, check out all the details at Pokémon.com. It’s a one time only use password though so make sure your battery is charged when you connect to the internet to input the code.