Over the past few weeks we’ve heard lots of complaints about the new DOOM, of course based on multiplayer. Fans have felt let down that it didn’t seem like DOOM. News got worse when it turned out review copies wouldn’t be released until launch day. What we didn’t expect was the campaign to look like a huge SMASH HIT!
The recent launch trailer was a nice touch and gave rise to gamer curiosity. What were we missing here? There was suddenly all this story and much more content than had really been released. We’d seen some PR, but nothing that really indicated the full scope of what the new DOOM would be. That little trailer gave a look at such an intriguing new campaign.
I mean, good on Bethesda for keeping things under wraps to launch such a huge surprise like this! Even I wanted some of the monsters to more resemble their classic game counterparts but after seeing footage of the new release, I’m really feeling the new DOOM!
Head over to Kotaku and check out their first few minute preview of DOOM! It’s something else!