What have I been playing this week?
With nothing on my review slate I’ve been playing through Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse, a game which I’ve long wanted to play but never got around to purchasing (and never being able to get a review copy). The game is just as great as I thought it would be, but more on that when I polish off my review.
Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse dominated my 3DS play time again this week. Of course Nintendo Badge Arcade and Animal Crossing: New Leaf are mainstays as I end up playing each for at least a few minutes each day. I also picked up a review code for Circle’s newest game Conveni Dream, so you can look for that soon as well.
As an aside I also downloaded the new Skylanders Battlecast mobile game, though it’s not for the Nintendo 3DS. I’ll have my thoughts on the game at another time, but this is definitely a game that is suited for and could easily be ported to the Nintendo 3DS. Hopefully Activision has some intentions of doing this as everything in the game, including the AR functionality with the retail cards, is something that the 3DS is equipped for.
Top 5 playtime 3DS from May 22nd – May 28th
- Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse – 4:02
- Animal Crossing: New Leaf – 1:24
- Conveni Dream – 1:02
- Nintendo Badge Arcade – 0:14
- Pokémon Shuffle – 0:11
What are you playing this week? Did you get anything new, or are you looking forward to something? Let us know in the comments below!