What have I been playing this week?
Not much of a change from last week with the only new entry being Nintendo’s newest free title Mini Mario & Friends amiibo Challenge. It’s been a while since I’ve played a Mario vs Donkey Kong title and haven’t really played any since the very first DS game.
Last week continued playing through Langrisser Re:Incarnation -TENSEI- from Aksys Games. I’m still gathering my thoughts on the game and hope to have that out this week. I’ve also been playing the demo for Pocket Card Jockey, though I have much more to do there as well.
If you haven’t seen, the latest Humble Bundle features 3DS and Wii U games. I donated $15 to the bundle and downloaded a bunch of games for both systems. I haven’t opened any of them yet though as I don’t want to further distract myself.
I still haven’t had a chance to put to bed my review of XSeed’s Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson, but I do plan on having my thoughts on the game out very soon.
Top 5 playtime 3DS from April 24th – April 30th
- Langrisser Re:Incarnation -TENSEI- – 1:52
- Mini Mario & Friends amiibo Challenge – 1:32
- Nintendo Badge Arcade – 1:27
- Pocket Card Jockey (DEMO) – 0:28
What are you playing this week? Did you get anything new, or are you looking forward to something? Let us know in the comments below!