Nintendo is wisely adding Splatoon themed gear to Miitomo! And to get people excited, as well as spread the word, they have started a #retweet campaign.
All Miitomo users will receive the Inkling Boy Wig and Inkling Girl Wig Splatoon items if gamers hit the target number of Retweets of Tweets tagged with #Miitomo_Splatoon_RT from one of their official Twitter accounts. These include @NintendoEurope, @NintendoAmerica, and @Miitomo_JP.
Retweet can be done until 14:59 UTC on April 26th. The gift for more than 10,000 Retweets: Inkling Boy Wig! The gift for more than 20,000 Retweets: Inkling Boy Wig and Inkling Girl Wig!
If the targets are met users can receive the gift(s) from the gift box in Miitomo between April 27th and May 29th. The Retweet campaign is available worldwide.
But that’s not all! Nintendo has a number of other Splatoon / Miitomo promotions on the way.
Splatoon theme stages will be available in Miitomo Drop from April 27th thru May 29th, with some cool Splatoon gear will be available there! There will also be a Splatoon item in the form of the Squid badge available in Miitomo Shop from April 27th until May 29th.
Finally, a Splatoon item reward will be available in My Nintendo from April 27th until May 30th. My Nintendo points can be redeemed for the Ink Tank item.