This is something that I’ve seen done elsewhere and thought I’d share this as well.
What have I been playing this week?
I primarily play the Nintendo 3DS with some time spent on the Wii U as well. While I did play several titles on the Wii U as well this week, those numbers aren’t counted here. For some reason the Wii U only lets me track my gameplay by day and month, so it’s hard to separate out the games and times I played exclusively last week. I of course won’t include things like Miiverse or the eShop in any of the numbers, but will also include my last week’s gameplay numbers below for fun.
Usually any game that is on my list for reviewing is on the top of my playtime, as is the case below. The number three game on my list below is also the game that I published the review for last Sunday and as such had a lot of playtime last Sunday. With the 20th anniversary of Pokémon and the release of monthly legendary Pokémon I’ve been picking up my copy of Pokémon X a bit more over the last week. I never got around to finishing that game so I’ve been running around a lot there as well.
The final two titles to round out my top five on the 3DS this week are my regular staples Animal Crossing: New Leaf as well as Nintendo Badge Arcade.
Top 5 playtime 3DS from February 28-March 5
- Sadame – 6:42
- Pokémon X – 5:46
- Toy Defense – 2:25
- Animal Crossing: New Leaf – 1:23
- Nintendo Badge Arcade – 1:02
What are you playing this week? Did you get anything new, or are you looking forward to something? Let us know in the comments below!