Nnooo announced today that they are expanding their game lineup with four titles coming to multiple platforms.
Nnooo will be publishing MAJESTIC NIGHTS by Epiphany Games, ROGUE SINGULARITY by Considerable Content, and ANODYNE by Analgesic Productions for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One the Americas, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand.
Nnooo will also be releasing THE LEGEND OF KUSAKARI by Librage for the Nintendo 3DS in western markets only.
“We’ve been working hard behind the scenes over the last few months to get these great developers and their awesome games on board,” said founder and Creative Director of Nnooo Nic Watt. “Each game has been hand-picked to widen the style and type of games Nnooo publishes. From adventures to platformers, old school pixel graphics to randomly generated galaxies, each of these games is fun, unique and a great addition to anyone’s console collection!”
Nnooo’s other game, Blast Bunnies, will hit the Nintendo 3DS eShop on March 10th.