We had a lot of fun getting to try out Fire Emblem Fates at Nintendo’s press event last week in Toronto. Tomorrow, the game is released and we can make our fates official! Naturally I’m going for Nohr. Come on, look at the content I produce! Do you know what site you’re on? Like I’m not going to help a purple haired girl conquer the world. Which leaves my trusted colleague Jason to fend for his Birthright in… well, Birthright! The game is split into two launch stories with one coming later on as DLC. The one I’m going with features a harder campaign that sees you lashing out against your true heritage in Fire Emblem Conquest. On the other side of the coin, Fire Emblem Birthright sees you rejoining your family. Meanwhile Fire Emblem Revelations will see players choosing neither side.
As with previous titles in the series, “Classic” mode has perma-death. One of your beloved characters falls in battle, they’re toast forever. Of course that isn’t the only mode. Casual mode may sound like the easy way out, but it’s my preferred method just to save time from replaying. In casual, your characters return at the end of battle. Meanwhile Phoenix mode sees your characters returning in the very next turn! While that may seem a bit intense and unfair, it does cover a broad spectrum that allows anyone to enjoy the story of this latest Fire Emblem.
Fire Emblem features a weapon triangle system. Sort of like a simple version of the rock, paper, scissors concept that Pokémon fans know and love. Swords out class axe, axe bests spear, and spear pokes swordsmen. Once you get that down it does add an interesting dynamic to the battlefield. Fortunately in the meantime the game throws a ton of stats at you to help you decide the potential outcome of each battle situation. From the percentage of hit chance right down to the potential hit point loss you and your opponent could suffer in your scuffle. You can also pair up with another ally into one dual unit to receive stat boosts. Weapons can even be changed on the fly in combat.
Skip along to the next paragraph if you don’t want any battle field changes and additions spoilers. At the press event we were shown a later Nohr stage that featured a port town being invaded. One of the games new features is Dragon Vein spaces. Royals can use these spots to make huge changes to the battlefield. The example we were shown featured the entire harbor being drained of water in this stage that tasks you to defend the entrance to the town. With the water drained, the Hoshido warriors could cross the now dry land to attack from more angles. All of the choke points in the port were now rendered useless! What’s more, new ballista and magic orb items could be used by related characters to launch area of effect attacks. So Norh archers could man the ballista to attack a group of enemy forces. This can bring your foes down to one hit point left, but won’t kill them. You need to do that with a unit themselves.
When you’re not out battling, a new area called My Castle is available in all versions. Seeming similar to the barracks from Awakening with more goodies, you’re able to personalize your castle with locations like an Armory for purchasing new weapons, an Arena for prize battles, and private quarters to strengthen your relationships with your allies. More structures can be build as you progress and old ones upgraded. There are even invasions that see you defending your castle. Sounds like a great place to hang out at during your down time.
The games even feature amiibo functionality, finally encouraging you to tear open those precious boxes on those hard sought Fire Emblem figures. Using a NEW 3DS system or an NFC reader/writer accessory (sold separately) you can receive special items or even battle against the characters you tap to get them into your party! Don’t fret, Nintendo’s official website clarifies this further. You’re not going to open Lucina just to have her give you a potion only and then become useless. Nintendo’s site notes that the first two times you tap an amiibo, they may give you a special present. The third time has you enter a hero battle that, if you win, allows you to add them to your army. Will that be enough to get collectors to finally free their in box collection? Time will tell! A Roy and Corrin amiibo figure are both on the way as well. Obviously we don’t know what Corrin will do since they are the main star of Fire Emblem Fates.
Want to play more than just the one version? Having both boxed copies would be sweet, but that isn’t necessary. Both Birthright and Conquest include an in game shop at chapter 6 which the story diverges down one of the three paths. In each game, you can buy the alternate story for a discount price! It seems to be 50% off in Canada at least with our current pricing. So the boxed copy of the game costs $49.99 and an in game DLC purchase of the additional chapter is $24.99. Later, the Revelations chapter will be available in that in game shop for also for $24.99. Extra maps are also on the way or available later in a pack for a discount. So there are lots of goodies to keep this latest Fire Emblem going!
So what side will you choose tomorrow? Decide your fate and side with Hoshido, or be like me and help Nohr! After all, they raised Corrin. The least that can be done is helping them out in combat. Sure, they’re perceived as “evil” but that dark and foreboding cover art doesn’t help their case much. I don’t want to bite the hand that feeds, so I’ll be seeing what my Nohrian buddies want to conquer!