When The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD launches on March 4th it will include a Wolf Link amiibo figure based on the same character from the classic game.
When tapped to the Wii U GamePad controller, the Wolf Link amiibo will open the Cave of Shadows, a challenging new bonus dungeon in the game. After completing the Cave of Shadows, players can save their remaining hearts to the Wolf Link amiibo, and then use those hearts inside the Cave of Shadows to replenish life energy. After conquering the cave, players can save a record of their remaining hearts to the Wolf Link amiibo and attempt to beat their score at any time.
Some of the data stored on the Wolf Link amiibo figure can also be used with The Legend of Zelda game for Wii U, which launches this year. More details about that functionality will be revealed at a later date.
Perhaps at E3?
In addition to the Wolf Link amiibo, other amiibo figures in the Super Smash Bros. series like Link, Toon Link, Zelda, Sheik and Ganondorf will work with The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD. By tapping the Link or Toon Link amiibo, players can replenish their arrows. Tapping Zelda or Sheik will refill the player’s hearts, while, in a devious twist, tapping the Ganondorf figure will actually make Link take double the damage!
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD goes on sale on March 4th for $59.99 (USD).
As of now the Wolf Link amiibo is only available bundled in the game, though that could change at a later date as many bundled amiibo eventually see individual release.