Okay, so I’ve become one of those fans. But it’s for a good reason! If it’s true that the Yakuza game series doesn’t have a big following in North America yet, that really needs to change! It’s ridiculous just how much fun I’ve had with Yakuza 5 and I already feel like I’ve played a full games worth of content for the cost. Best of all? I’m only at the end of one of five areas in the latest PS3 release!
Remember when you got a new PS2 game and it had that PlayStation feel to it? That Resident Evil like joy of just wandering around the environment. Or how about the Shenmue series in which you could wander around to find various events? There’s just so much to these games that makes me think nostalgically… but they’re new games! This is fresh and new content.
Well today, Kotaku released a video showing off Yakuza 6 for the PlayStation 4. If this video doesn’t make you want to play the game, I don’t know what will. The combat really is like this, even in Yakuza 5 (besides the in store destruction, you fight in the streets mostly in Yakuza 5) But it has this over the top intensity to it! Even better, Yakuza 5 features a few city blocks per area for you to explore in a GTA like setting minus stealing cars. How beautiful is that?
So take a look at Yakuza 6! Hopefully this will be coming to North America someday. It’s a fantastic looking title. Yakuza 0 is planned to be released here in 2017, so you’ve got LOTS of time to catch up and help give this series the popularity it deserves!