The second series of Animal Crossing amiibo cards have been released in Japan with the second set of 100 cards hitting stores on October 29th. This comes after the first series of cards was released in Japan at the end of July.
While there is no date listed on the Nintendo of America website as of yet the first series of cards came to North America just over a month ago, which is two months after the original Japanese release. If NOA follows this same delay between releases it’s likely that the second set of cards won’t be released here until either just before Christmas or possibly in January.
New special character cards for the second series include K.K. Slider, Reese, Kicks, Labelle, Copper, Booker, Timmy, Porter, Kappin, Shrunk, Resetti, Phineas, Jack, Isabelle, Blanca, Katie, and Nat.
I’ll admit that I’ve bought my share of the Animal Crossing amiibo cards over the last month. This isn’t much of a surprise as I also purchased the original Animal Crossing e-Reader cards way back when the first game was available on the Nintendo Gamecube. Who else remembers connecting their Game Boy Advance to the Cube with the link cable to visit the island? I sure do.
You can check out a collection of the original Animal Crossing cards from our Tumblr page below. I’m also selling a few of my Animal Crossing amiibo doubles over on eBay if you want to snag one or two.