Now we love Splatoon here at Darkain Arts Gamers. Not only do I personally play the game but my son plays it as well and loves it. And two new updates to the game have brought new stages as well as gear to the game.
The two new stages are called Museum d’Alfonsino and Mahi Mahi Resort and you can see them below. There is also a bunch of awesome gear, including soccer gear which I personally love.
Nintendo is also releasing a “ink-redible” Wii U bundle for the holidays. If you don’t have the system yet then this is THE time to pick it up. The bundle will come with both Splatoon AND Super Smash Bros. for Wii U when it hits stores. How awesome is that!?
The bundle will retail for $279.99, though Nintendo has said that it could be lower than that on Black Friday. Will we have anywhere close to the same deal here in Canada? No word yet, but the bundle will undoubtedly be here.