I’ve heard of some gamers out there who have been confused on how exactly Skylanders Superchargers treats older characters. It isn’t that they can’t drive the new vehicles. They can! They just can’t “supercharge” them. A supercharged vehicle is what happens when a Skylander of the latest generation, Superchargers, is paired with their matching vehicle. It seems you get some extra parts for your vehicle and maybe another bonus or so. In no way does that mean you can’t play through the whole game with your original collection.
Your older Skylanders as well as Superchargers still only level up to 20 in this generation. That’s about the only drawback. So don’t be confused about your old friends. They still work! Best of all, each can drive the vehicles and it’s super cute to see each sitting in the drivers seat. Even trap keys add a new kind of weapon onto the vehicles and do work in the latest version of the portal that way. So all older toys are compatible. Adventure packs and their corresponding items are also useable and placeable at Skylanders academy, the games hub world which returns in an alternate form from Trap Team. Even legendary treasures found in Superchargers can be placed around the academy, and some even interacted with!