See this little guy? Thanks to Amiibo Club Canada won him in a contest!
Lets face it, collecting Amiibo is hard. Especially with store exclusives like Wal-Mart in Canada hosting Jiggly Puff here. We decided to take a trip around back in May when the fourth wave of Nintendo’s figures were released and by mid morning all Jiggly’s had been spoken for. There wasn’t one pink puff ball in sight at any Wal-Mart we visited.
So how did we get one? For awhile, all of us here on Darkain Arts Gamers have been members of Amiibo Club Canada on Facebook. It’s a group you need to be approved for, but odds are that’s just to weed out troublemakers and not legitimate folks looking to talk about figures. After looking for so long, I was surprised to see one of the groups admins, Will Moerman had actually found two Jiggly Puff Amiibos at a Wal-Mart out east! Even better, Will and his fiancé Kaylyn decided to put up a contest on the group to win one of the figures!
Well don’t I end up being the one picked by a random number generator! We were thrilled! He arrived nicely packaged and all to the thanks of two Amiibo fans who wanted to give the group a chance to win something harder to find. Their generosity is definitely appreciated so I wanted to talk about the group here to help spread the word!
It actually is very handy to be a Canadian on the group since the topics are of course focused on our country. So when the stores are getting stock in, online sites like Amazon have product available, or even just some posts about local trading are shared, it’s Canadian news. The group is very friendly and even if the rare negative reply breaks through, the admins are there to clean it up to keep things positive.
One tip of the hat I do need to give is to a group member named Mike Tyson. There are many people who post about figure availability, but not usually as often as Mike. Even then, he tends to pick up on news and keep it updated when others share about online releases. This is awesome if you’re a collector who doesn’t care where your figures come from. He’s helped members use sites to import figures and always seems to be on top of every Amazon site known to mankind when they have figures available.
Our thanks goes out to the entire group. First to Will and Kaylyn for hosting the contest I won, but also the anyone who posts on the group. It’s fun! There’s jokes about collecting the figures in general, awesome photos of displays group members have shared, and so much information that it makes it easy to get the figures you’re looking for.
If you’re Canadian and looking to find that special figure you’ve been hoping for, give the group a go! Who knows! Maybe you’ll be the winner of one of the contests posted down the line! Regardless, it’s a great place to hang out with Nintendo fans and find reasonable ways to get the Amiibo you want.