The amiibo crazy is definitely a trend that isn’t going away anytime soon. Friday’s release of not only new Smash Bros figures, but as well as the Splatoon set saw some incredible and fast sales. Fortunately, fans can still find Splatoon single packs (and potentially triple packs including a Squid amiibo) in stores, as well as quite commonly Pac-Man. Unfortunately it has gotten to the point where other figures are nearly impossible to get besides from resellers online.
Our own Jason Nason decided to pick up the Splatoon Girl figure and above is a great picture of her sparing off with Mario, his first figure. Obviously though, they’re out of box. To some collectors, this would be a horrific sight with some of the rarer figures. We’ve noted before how it’s a shame there are rare figures since hardcore Nintendo fans would love to get characters they haven’t previously had figures of in amiibo form.
It’s certainly understandable that there are collectors who are keeping figures new in box, especially with just how crazy things have become trying to even obtain some amiibos. On the other hand, we have friends who open and use them to their full extent, even give them wacky nicknames just like their in game Pokémon collection. Even further are some awesome custom amiibos people have created out of current releases. From repainted Mega-man figures to adding new props to create unique or unreleased characters, it’s become quite a hobby of it’s own.
As time goes on, hopefully we will see reprints of many of these characters. Sites like Best Buy have relisted earlier wave figures back on the web. While this isn’t a confirmation of returning releases, we can certainly hope for it. Nintendo has acknowledged the success of amiibo and they do seem to be doing their best to bring figures back. Currently even Meta Knight has been showing up again at some Best Buy locations and rumors of a Marth reprint have been circulating. With just how much of a trend this has become it would be awesome to see Nintendo follow through and make these much more mainstream.