Both Game of Thrones by Telltale Games and The Witch 3: Wild Hunt by CD RED PROJEKT have given gamers a lot of fantasy role playing enjoyment right now. These titles feature moments when you can select your responses to the NPCs in game. It’s moments like these and how they change the way the world reacts to your character that are really becoming exciting moments in gaming. You’re not just hacking and slashing, or reading the text of your character’s adventure. Instead you decide what they say and what they’re like.
Gaming certainly isn’t a stranger to this sort of content, but these two recent titles provide some great enjoyment in interacting with their worlds cast. As for Telltale I think The Wolf Among Us was an even more broad franchise which let you be understanding or harsh. Not that Game of Thrones doesn’t let you stand up for yourself, but you’re much more on the spot most of the time when you do. Of course that’s all storytelling related though and based on what situations you’re facing.
Meanwhile exploring the world of The Witcher is fantastic in the sense that you want to get into conversations. Talking to various characters gets you involved in what you’re doing. Are you finally fed up after three games and willing to throw down the gauntlet every time someone hates Geralt, or do you take their insults in stride, reasoning that people tend to fear Witcher’s, even if they’ll post up bulletins begging for help when they need it. You are faced with choices, and it’s those choices that make the game more than what it is. You get to customize what sort of hero you are. Who will you help? What sort of stance do you take on games politics? Or is Geralt a lone wolf who doesn’t want to get involved and is just a monster slayer for hire? We don’t know just how deep it gets you, but the choices we’ve seen so far are satisfying.
These really are role playing games. You’re not just gaming, you really are playing the role of your character. Stay tuned for our reviews of both of these awesome titles!