Already own Geometry Wars 3? Be sure to check in on the game while online for your update! The new edition of the game subtitled Dimensions Evolved was released today, adding many new features. The one I was most excited for, and what we’d actually requested in our review, was the ability to progress easier through the game. Before, the title worked on a star system. Gamers would collect up to three stars per level and then have access to later levels after reaching a certain amount of stars. Now it seems that entire system is just for show and advancement takes place upon actual level completion now. I’m not 100% positive on that, I’d only beaten a boss I was granted access to despite not having the stars to fight it yet. Upon beating the boss I was granted access to the next level however. I think possibly I’d gained a two star rating upon completion.
There’s lots more to check out as well including a Hardcore mode which does away with new support items added to this third addition to the series. We loved the game originally and I can only see this improving our review score. Congrats to the Lucid Games team for really listening to their audience and improving an already awesome title!
The update is free if you already own the game and Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Evolved is available to newcomers to pick up on most digital platforms for $14.99.