This month is the 20th anniversary of Warcraft as a series. It’s only fitting that gamers will now be able to travel back in time and take on some of the heavy hitters from Draenor’s past. There’s good reason to be excited about this pack since it doesn’t only give us a “what if” look at the history we know and love, but will more than likely serve as reminders and introductions for the lore that will be involved in the upcoming Warcraft movie (just the unaltered version).
On the bright side as well, it seems the alternate timeline version of Draenor is another dimension. So players don’t need to worry about the world being rewritten. So what other exciting additions make this expansion great? The whole garrison building option sounds like the highlight!
We haven’t had a chance to check out the new expansion ourselves yet but not only will you be able to build up your own base, you can recruit NPC’s as well.
The rest of what follows is from Blizzard’s PR release:
Warlords of Draenor adds new features and a world’s worth of exciting new content for World of Warcraft players:
- Explore a Savage World: Explore the hostile world of Draenor, home of the orc and draenei races, as it once existed, and adventure in all-new zones alongside characters central to Warcraft history.
- Build Your Garrison: Establish and expand your own customizable stronghold on Draenor, and gather NPC followers to collect resources and embark on missions under your command.
- Jump to Level 90: Boost one character of your choosing to be instantly ready to explore the wilds of Draenor, making it easier than ever to enjoy the latest content with your friends.*
- Adventure to Level 100: Reach new heights of power and unlock bonuses to further enhance your abilities on your way to the new level cap of 100.
- …And More: Take on an array of Dungeons, Raids, and Challenge Modes; seek out otherworldly pets and mounts to add to your collection; engage in exciting world PvP in Ashran—no matter what kind of content you enjoy, new challenges and rewards await.
Warlords of Draenor is available now in a digital and physical Standard Edition (SRP: $49.99 USD) as well as a Digital Deluxe Edition (SRP $69.99), which contains the following in-game bonuses for World of Warcraft and other Blizzard games:
- World of Warcraft—Dread Raven Mount and Dread Hatchling Pet: Swoop down from the dark of night on the black-winged Dread Raven, a mortal progeny of Anzu, and devour your prey in your next Pet Battle with the adorably ferocious Dread Hatchling.
- StarCraft® II—Warchief Portraits: Summon the strength of two of the most fearsome Iron Horde warchiefs—Grommash Hellscream and Blackhand—as you clash in the Koprulu sector in StarCraft II.
- Diablo® III—Warsong Pennant: Brandish this battle-torn pennant on your back, and channel the rage of the Warsong Clan against the demonic forces of Sanctuary in Diablo III.
- Hearthstone®: Heroes of Warcraft™—Blackrock Card Back: Outfit your champion’s deck with a custom card back forged in the fires of Blackrock.