Destiny follows the legacy of the Halo franchise from Bungie. That already puts a lot of expectation into the title. With the many jobs I have and also pursuing freelance journalism it can be difficult to research every game before release. With Destiny, I didn’t get a chance to see any of the promo material beforehand and was encouraged by a friend to get into the game. So why does he find it to be an enjoyable experience while I was completely in love with the title? That’s why.
Bungie’s latest release is a solid title, there’s no question there. But there are many frustrations as well. That’s the problem. Apparently many additional planets were listed in promo material and when you complete the game it can feel a bit small. Again this doesn’t make for a bad game, it’s just different than what informed gamers were expecting.
This video below explains exactly what I’m talking about. Imagine going into the game knowing none of this.
I think one of the biggest things gamers need to do with Destiny is to play with someone else too. That’s half the fun. Sure, you have to for strike missions, but I mean just in general. Story missions and just regular patrols can go much faster with a good fire team. There is a lot to explore, but just a bit more variety probably would have changed a lot of those lower scores out there.
It’s been an enjoyable experience playing Destiny but it unfortunately does leave you wanting more in the wrong sort of ways. Apparently there is a lot you can read online to supplement the story but not as much in game. By the time you’ve completed the story, not much is really answered. It’s encouraging to see that the story is so worthwhile that you want to know more, but that’s just it. Sure there are the expansions coming but will they touch on the questions gamers are eager for answers to?
Going in without previous knowledge of the games development, Destiny was a pleasant experience. It has solid areas, lots to explore, and it’s an online experience that is fun to keep playing. The biggest issue is one that I agree with the long time fans on, we all want more. My review points out all that I love about the game, but yes, I’d really enjoy more story and some new areas. Even if there was just a section of the reef to explore it would have just added so much more to the game. Maybe there are surprises on the way.
Regardless, Destiny is a fun experience and if nothing else Bungie has made all of us eager for more.
Noted on Gamespot in regards to the new DLC, there was this positive message from Bungie president Harold Ryan however.
“Destiny was created as a living universe, which has allowed us to improve the experience post launch in real-time. It also gives us insight into the things players are looking for in new content. We’ve seen from feedback that people want new activities, gear and weapons, and of course the immensely popular Raid. The community helps shape our development decisions and that’s really important to us.”
Hopefully that means we will continue to see improvements as time goes on.