Have you ever just wanted a basic RPG game you can level up in like crazy and just have fun with? Minute Quest is a great answer for that on the Android OS (and odds are on the iTunes store too). The concept is basically a side scrolling rogue-like of sorts. There’s no dungeons to randomize, but the enemy layout is shaken up each time you enter a new screen. You start off as a low level hero and adventure across the land fighting enemies, bosses, and even collecting pets along the way. Gaining gold, buying gear and leveling up all in a handheld game that is easy to drop in and out of.
It’s really just a great game to feel like you’re doing something productive when you have nothing to do. Just load it up for a few moments, slay some monsters, level up, and close the app.
The game has a large variety of weapons and armor, all of which actually have their own graphics. So the various armor sets actually make your character look like many various different styles. There’s everything from a pigtailed girl to an owl suit. That and of course regular gear as well. It seems gear is even related to different skills you can use. So it’s good to mix and match.
Meanwhile, back at the castle, you can change up your equipment, pets, and even eventually go on training runs to level up your character. Considering at first it just feels like a little free game, there is actually a lot to Minute Quest. Even the amount of enemies is quite a surprise. The 16-bit style graphics do have limited animation but it suits the games look and probably made it easier to add in so much content.
It’s just a joy to wander forward, bump into enemies to attack them, and keep going until you level up for the thousandth time. Yes, if you keep at it you’ll actually get there. The game just keeps on going leveling up wise. I’m sure there’s probably a cap eventually but I haven’t reached it yet.
There’s a bit to consider as you level too. You do get stat points which also include improving your luck. It seems luck mainly gets you a higher gold chance for each monster you slay. Which of course makes it easier to get better gear faster. However being stronger, taking more damage and even affecting your hit rate are also important.
Of course with how easy it is to play, you can quickly get addicted and just want to clear one more screen before shutting down the game for a break. If you’re an RPG fan, it’s a great way to spend some time grinding away, but also seeing some new sights and enemies along the way.