In this day and age of constant video game releases, it’s easy to overlook a game. I enjoyed Kirby’s Epic Yarn, but it didn’t feel the same to me. That and Kirby Mass Attack was another different sort of game. Unfortunately I missed the Wii installment which seemed to be like the traditional series. So by this point I wasn’t really looking for a new Kirby game and when Triple Deluxe was put into my hands I didn’t know what to expect. What I got was a huge surprise that not only references nostalgia but improves upon the series in general.
I’ll have a full review soon but I had to say this new 3DS title is worth picking up. If you enjoyed Kirby’s Adventure on the NES, this game is kind of like the recent Nintendo titles for hardcore gamers. There are ways that it gives casual players a fighting chance but you can expect revamped and improved boss battles and instant death pits. It’s the boss battles that really add to the game. While it’s decently easy to figure out patterns, they do mix it up mid battle and you can take too much damage without really realizing it.
There’s just that right balance here that made classic Kirby a challenging title. I’m still playing but I’m really hoping for more nostalgia as the game goes on. King Dedede is actually captured by some other bad guy this time, so who knows how it will all wrap up!