I’ll admit that I didn’t really know what I was getting into when this title came across my inbox. We here at Darkain Arts Gamers get a fair amount of PRs sent our way. Many of them are press releases from various publishers of video games with a few books scattered in there. We’ve been trying to feature books every now and again so when this one came through I sent in a request for it.
If you’re unfamiliar with what Cosplay is, it is the act of dressing up in costume. Cosplay, or “Costume Play” is prevalent in game culture and anime culture. You’d be hard pressed to go to any sort of video game convention without seeing dozens of people decked out in amazing costumes based on video games and movies, many of them home-made.
The book Undressing the Art of Playing Dress Up: Cosplay Deviants is a large coffee table book packed with photos of cosplayers, but be warned that this book features adult content.
The book explores the adult side of this popular phenomenon. Undressing the Art of Playing Dress Up: Cosplay Deviants features an enormous collection of pin-up style photos providing a look at sexy female cosplayers from around the world.
The book is an extension of the Cosplay Deviants website, which is a subscription based adult website. Stepping away from the “booth babe” stereotype, Cosplay Deviants’ models are engrossed in nerd culture along with the fans who make up the community and appear as popular characters from gaming, comics, anime and manga, and science fiction.
The book has more than 360 images through 200+ full colour pages. The book is also a large oversized 9″ x 12″ hardcover book, making the title very high quality.
It’s hard to really review the book as it is merely a picture book, but there is definitely a wide variety of models and featured characters. With a lot of the male gamers and nerds out there wanting to see their favourite character in more adult dress (or undress) this is definitely something they would want to see.
The book is broken up into four distinct sections, with different types of characters represented. The title is split up into the girls of gaming, cuties of comics and cartoons, adorable ladies of anime & manga and sirens of sci-fi.
As far as notable characters represented there are models dressed up as Princess Zelda, Princess Peach, Yuna from Final Fantasy X, Aries from Final Fantasy VII, Lara Croft, the Dark Magician Girl from Yu-Gi-Oh!, Misty from Pokémon and even one model dressed up as Mario. Velma, Wonder Woman, Catwoman, the Joker and lots more are also in the book.
While the book comes with a hefty $50 price tag the sheer size and quality of the book, as well as the hundreds of photos inside, makes the value well worth the cost. If you’re looking for a nice conversation piece for your home and aren’t afraid to have a book with nudity in it you should check this one out.
About the Author: Troy Doerner started Cosplay Deviants in 2007 as a joke to spite a college professor. Since then, it has grown to the largest and most successful cosplay-based adult site on the web with more than 100 models in 7 countries around the world. Once a cosplayer himself, Troy has been attending fan conventions since 2000 and has won awards for both his costuming and photography. He currently lives in Orlando, Florida, with his wife Kimberly.