Jools Watsham, co-founder and game director of Renegade Kid, announced via his blog yesterday that upcoming 3DS eShop title Treasurenauts would be delayed until 2014. The game was originally slated to be released this year. The reason for the delay was stated not to be because of problems in development, but rather that the developers want to take more care to make the game just right.
“We’re happy with the game. We have received tremendous positive support from you and we’re excited to get the game into your hands,” Watsham stated on the blog. “The game means a lot to us, and we want to do it right. We need more time to make it the game we want it to be. We’re aiming for a Q1 2014 release, and will have information on a more accurate date soon.”
In other Renegade Kid news Mutant Mudds Deluxe will be released for the PS3 and PS Vita on December 17th for $9.99. The updated version of Mutant Mudds, originally developed for the Nintendo 3DS, is already available on Steam and on the Wii U. 3DS owners of Mutant Mudds (in North America and Europe) will receive a free update sometime in 2014.
Renegade Kid’s planned survival horror game Cult County is also progressing well, according to the post. More updates on the progress of the game are expected in 2014. The developer also plans to announce a new title in development in Janaury, which is set for release in early-to-mid 2014.
What do you think? Are you excited for Treasurenauts? If you haven’t seen a video of the game take a look at the trailer below and be sure to let us know your thoughts in the comments below!