The two classic Gameboy Color Legend of Zelda titles by Flagship, a previous subsidiary of Capcom, are available now on the 3DS eShop! Each is a seperate overhead Zelda game in the same style as Link To The Past by the developers of Minish Cap for Gameboy Advance.
For those who long for more classic Zelda adventure like this, not only am I sure you’re excited for Link To The Past 2 which is on the way to the 3DS this holiday season, these are a set of adventures you may have missed. Personally, I’d missed them, playing Link’s Awakening prior and unfortunately not these two titles.
Gamers can get these titles at a discount until June 20th. Each game is $4.99 until then when the price goes up by a dollar per title. So if you’ve been looking for a great fantasy adventure to spend your time in when not studying for exams or just to get ready for the lead in to summer, Nintendo has you covered!