I’m definitely surprised and delighted to hear about this title. As a huge fan of top down Zelda games, this news is absolutely amazing to me. Not only does it seem the game is a remade 3D world based on the A Link To The Past Hyrule, it’s an all new adventure in that world! Noted as not being a direct sequel, the game includes new dungeons and puzzles including the ability to turn link into a drawing on dungeon walls to move around areas in a whole new way.
This is the kind of adventure I’ve been waiting for. For me, this brings back lots of great memories of the SNES. Those first moments wandering through the rain late at night toward Hyrule castle. What makes this better is it’s a new story! All that nostalgia yet with something completely new! Thank you Nintendo, this is definitely exciting news!
Check out the preview trailer below. We’ll definitely keep you posted on this one as information develops. The currently untitled Zelda adventure set in the world of A Link To The Past is set to be released this holiday season for the Nintendo 3DS.