Nintendo has just announced that Fire Emblem: Awakening, which was released on February 4th for the Nintendo 3DS, is getting more bonus content.
The new SpotPass content is different from the previously released downloadable content through the game’s Outrealm Gate. This free SpotPass map, which will be available on March 14th, is called “A Hard Miracle,” and follows the story of Fire Emblem Awakening main character Chrom as he encounters a mysterious woman and sets off on a journey with her to rescue a group of kidnapped villagers.
During the next few weeks, more maps will become available through SpotPass. These include Ghost of a Blade on March 28th, a haunted tale about a ghost and the ultimate sacrifice; The Wellspring of Truth on April 11th, a map full of challenging enemies; and The Radiant Hero on April 25th, which takes place on an isolated island as Chrom and his allies search for a legendary hero.
Other special items will also be distributed for free via SpotPass, such as special weapons, additional playable characters and bonus challengers for the game’s Double Duel multiplayer mode.