When I bought my first Megaman comics by Archie I was concerned since in most comic stores I was lead to a specific kids section. It made me think the comics would be pretty basic, but that’s actually not true. From the inner conflict Megaman faces during his first battles taking down rampaging robot masters to a convention held hostage by an anti-robot protest group the comics are quite involving!
In 2013 Megaman will be meeting up with Sonic in a 12-part cross over. Written by Ian Flynn it is still unclear how the characters will meet, or on what grounds the story will develop. Ian is very excited about the project and definitely wants to make the most out of this opportunity. So if you’re a Sonic or Megaman fan, keep a look out for it. In the meantime Archie Comics has back issues as well as graphic novels if you want to get caught up on either hero.