You can listen to Halo 4’s soundtrack on Rara.com so this is counts as video game news. This service was something I never knew I wanted. Recently, Microsoft launched their Xbox Music service and I decided to give that a go. Playing tons of albums I wanted on my Xbox seemed great, so I gave it a try on a desktop computer figuring that with all the mobile options surely there would be a PC option. Oh there is, for Windows 8 only. So that’s how I ended up searching and found Rara.com was available in Canada.
Disheartened after being shown the sweet thrill of being able to stream so many albums, I was delighted to see there were other options online! Time after time though I was told that the various services weren’t available in Canada. About ready to give up I finally came across Rara.com
There isn’t a free trial, but by the time I found this service I knew it was what I was looking for. I have some obscure tastes sometimes in music too, and most of the albums I looked up were available! As you can see, even Green Day’s new trilogy of albums is on the service! Well the first two anyway, the third comes out next month.
So what’s the big deal? I’m happy with the idea of a service that legally grants me access to the bands I love. Streaming keeps everything fresh. I was already using other music purchasing services to stream chunks of songs through their previews. This is just the next step in streaming whole albums.
Why Rara.com? They’re the first I’ve seen in Canada that provides me with the ability to make playlists of what I want to listen to. Even collecting together albums is easy. Click a little info box on the album cover and the whole track listing comes up. From there you click your ‘add to’ button, select to make a new playlist and there you go! The album is added to your playlists. You can even add info like changing the name of the playlist or adding a description. All this from within your browser.
Don’t get me wrong, Rara.com isn’t just a browser based service. They have mobile options too. It’s just that the browser streaming is all I need. Now for the important part, so how much is it anyway? To start with, it’s just $0.99 for the first three months currently. Sure, it’s not a free trial, but I’m happy with the service. It would be good to have a way to browse their library before comitting but at the worst you’re out a dollar. Every month afterwards is $4.99 and yes, those are Canadian funds. Adding mobile access adds $1.99 to your monthly fee however. Also, all of this is ad free.
That’s still cheaper that most services I’ve seen offering similar content. So five dollars for all the music I want to stream including tons of brand new albums? Yes please!