After twenty-four years of insightful first-hand information about your favorite Nintendo games, and the countless previews, reviews, tips and tricks from the sources, Nintendo Power has finally come to an end. The final issue’s cover made its way to the Internet (the very entity that undoubtedly defeat Nintendo Power but alas) via Twitter, and it’s clear that Issue 285 decided to end the long-standing magazine the way it began: A brilliant clay model of Nintendo’s renowned hero making an adventurous leap for one last time.
For comparison’s sake, here’s Issue 1 released for July/August of 1988:
There you have it, the end of Nintendo Power. Another brilliant gaming magazine sent to the fields of Elysium, where Nester will finally rest his weary head, never to dream of another upcoming Nintendo game ever again. The final issue is due out December 11th wherever magazines or periodicals are sold, and will make Nintendo Power just another casualty in the massacre of printed information.
It’s hard to end an article on a depressing fact as such, but it’s proper that for any passing to not mourn the loss but rather to remember its greatness. Nintendo Power, SALUTE.
Article from Aaron Chados on our sister site BrokenJoysticks.net