So here we are the first payed DLC for Mass Effect 3, Leviathan.
Fans have been eagerly awaiting new DLC for the single player part of ME3 for months now. Yet the newest add-on for the series comes across a bit less epic than one might initially think. Why?
The DLC has you meeting up with scientist/researcher/archeologist Dr. Garret Bryson, who has spent years researching and studying artifacts, storys, and rumors about the Reapers. In his studies he learned of the “Leviathan of Dis” and now seeks to find the Leviathan.
After a few scenes and some wandering in the lab you’re off on your adventure.
Sadly it’s not that long and is more repeat returns to the citadel (nothing new for ME fans) for more info and off to just scan planets also the slow pace of things tend to make it a bit on the bland side then I felt should have been allowed.
The nice thing is the DLC adds in some additional items and weapons to the game along with war assets to find. Although if you purchased the N7 edition of the game then you already have the M-55 Argus so then you only receive one add on weapon.
The visuals are beautiful but few and you get to see and do some things you haven’t really done before. Not many things but a few.
Yet game play is mostly straight forward. Go here, do this and go back. Go here scan.. with some combat thrown in here and there. The story really doesn’t get going until the last parts. That part of the add-on is quite interesting and tells a bit about some things that had happened long ago. Though the trip to that part is mostly uneventful and at times it literally FEELS like an add-on, it seems people that should have something to say about what’s going on aboard the Normandy have nothing to say at all. Then there are others that do which makes it feel a bit off unlike in most of the game where almost everyone has something to say. Not everyone in this DLC does. It’s a minor gripe true but it’s also part of what makes the ME series feel more alive I think.
In all, the DLC Leviathan does have it’s moments where it’s intriguing and a bit eerie. A bit of combat is in there and it is enjoyable although not quite as much of it is there. The story while slow and keeps most of it til the end is nice and does add to the ME universe by explaining a few things fans have wanted to know yet I feel more could have been there at same time.
I would say this add-on is mostly enjoyable and worth having yet I also feel that there should have been a bit more to this and it does feel a bit empty and repetitive.
I recommend it for true die hard fans of the ME series, yet people wanting an exciting add-on I cannot recommend this to. I would say for them to wait for the DLC to go on sale. Yet seeing as this is EA/Bioware and it’s not on Steam (and Xbox Live might or might not have a sale on it too) that is most likely just not going to happen.
In conclusion, I give this DLC for ME3 a 6 out of 10.
It’s a decent start but won’t really live up to the expectations of all the people that play the game.
This is mostly for true die hard fans wanting more info on the ME universe.
SCORE: 6 / 10
Sound =7
Game Play=4
Replay Value=2