This is my first World of Warcraft expansion, and I have to say it’s quite a unique sight to see. Nothing really new is going on with the games content, besides what has been available for a week or more now. Moreso, it’s the players and the anticipation that is interesting.
I’d jokenly assumed my guild would be off at midnight launches when I first logged in early tonight. I wasn’t disappointed when I noted my guild list was almost empty. Even with digital downloads available it was nice to see some of my friends were still out there getting their copies probably on another brisk midnight release.
The thing that really looks unique to me though as I noted above is the players. Sure, Stormwind has a crowd out front of the bank and auction house, but that’s nothing new. The real fun is other players standing in the middle of streets and sitting on steps, eagerly awaiting the coming expansion activation. There’s just something fun about it. You know many of them are probably chatting it up with their guild mates, discussing how they’ll set up their first Pandaren.
Others are crowded around the battle pet trainers, eager to be the first ones to train the skill and get out there collecting wild pets no doubt. I’m with them in looking forward to it, but I’m waiting until tomorrow so I can check out the game without MoP installed so I can report back here on it.
You always hear about community in MMO games, but it’s events like this where you really see everyone coming together that make that magic a reality. It really shows everyone enjoying the game and eager to see what it’s really going to be like when we all have access to the new content. This is what vast multiplayer RPG’s like this are all about. The next step into the lore of Azeroth begins in about 20 minutes here in North America!