Square Enix has started posting up teaser videos on YouTube today showing off their new Chip Tunes of music from the various Final Fantasy titles. What are Chip Tunes?
Chip Tunes are reimagined musical tracks from the games. Final Fantasy VII and beyond had full orchestral music arrangements, made possible by the CD media the games were on. Before that games were forced to use synthesized music (fondly known as bleeps and bloops) which were the limitations of the NES and SNES. Chip tunes let you listen to those tracks as if they had been originally been made for those systems.
The albums (already available on the Square Enix Japan store) feature all of the original songs from the games “remastered” into 8-bit versions of themselves. So far there is music available from Final Fantasy VII through Final Fantasy X.
The music cds will set you back 2,100 Yen.
Square Enix also has two other collections avaialable that features music from their other series from the PlayStation years. SQ Chips and SQ Chips 2 features music from the likes of Chrono Trigger, Dew Prism, Brace Fencer Musashi, Xenogears, Seiken Densetsu (Mana series).