In preparation for the September 25th launch of WOW’s latest expansion ‘Mists of Pandaria’ the latest patch has been released to subscribers. Quite a few changes have come in most affecting the talent system, as well as mount and pets sorting.
As of press time I havn’t had a chance to test out these new additions yet, but I will be updating later on with my feedback. One of the main ways this prepares players for Mists is by adding info about your pets for the Pet Battle System coming to WOW. This new inclusion may be very much like Pokémon right down to even being able to catch pets in the wild by battling them, but I’m very excited to see how it goes.
For more information, check out the video below. It is startling the first time you see the new talent system I must admit, but hopefully Blizzard helps ease gamers into it.
[…] time. Big changes are taking place yet again and everyone wants to get their specs set up from the new 5.0.4 patch update. Certainly your friends will hear about the new scenario events and get into Theramore’s […]