Miguel Cepero is creating a voxel based engine, however it definitely looks more like an open world adventure like an Elder Scrolls title rather than your usual voxel adventure. It’s quite interesting looking into the tech on all this and I highly recommend his blog for any 3D modeling nerds out there. Read on for more about the engine and a preview video.
The below video really shows it all when you first see such an organic world being treated like a Minecraft map. Honestly I went into this not knowing what to expect. I thought the forest canopy created a great dark forest that seemed very realistic. When he started digging blocks out of the ground I was astounded to see this was a building voxel sort of concept.
I’d love to see this developed as a procedural world game. Seeing programmers expanding upon the voxel world concept is really exciting and does create a promising future for this growing category of gaming. Add in some RPG elements along with random quests and you’d keep me busy for a long time!
Definitely give Miguel’s blog Procedural World a read if you’re even remotely game engine savvy. It’s quite a good read! I found the concepts he explains in texturing more randomly distributed images to be especially interesting.
Check out the latest video below, and be sure to browse his YouTube channel for more!
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[…] to Minecraft that I’ve been playing recently. I figured I’d continue my voxel news from my last article on the VoxelFarm engine with this article about a game I’ve grown quite fond […]